Buell X1 Lightning customized by the Italian workshop Sartorie Meccaniche.

Buell X1 by Sartorie Meccaniche

I’ve always loved Buell’s streetfighter models for their combative stance and no-nonsense ergonomics. In stock form they’re bare-bones, purpose built machines—devoid of…

Buell X1 Lightning

Buell X1 Lightning by Deus

Deus’ Los Angeles outpost is gathering momentum. Design Director Michael Woolaway has now built nine bikes, and this is the latest—an uncompromising…

Board track motorcycle

Board track Buell

The Buell Blast tends to polarize opinions; Erik Buell himself symbolically crushed one at the end of the production run in 2010.…

Buell racing motorcycle

Buell RR1000R

This is a beast with a convoluted history. It’s one of just three racing RR1000s produced by Erik Buell before the road…

Buell RW750

I have to admit that I’m indifferent to most of Erik Buell’s creations. Like some, I’m not really in Buell’s target market.…