Miss Universe: Shaw Speed's racy Harley 48 custom

Miss Universe: A Harley 48 from Speed & Custom

We don’t see many Sportsters with a racy slant. But this new machine from Speed & Custom shows what is possible. And it totally looks the part. ‘Miss Universe’ is a Harley Sportster 48 commissioned by Australian businessman Troy Barbagallo, who noticed Shaw’s Nascafe Racer and fell in love. He promptly got in touch with…

Harley 48 custom

Fully Loaded: the Shaw x Rough Crafts Harley 48


If there’s any doubt about the spreading influence of Rough Crafts’ Winston Yeh, this Harley Sportster 48 custom dispels it. It’s a collaboration with Shaw Speed, the custom workshop owned by a top UK Harley-Davidson dealer. Shaw Speed boss Steve Willis took a liking to Rough Crafts’ builds, and contacted Yeh in Taiwan to see…