Ten Years After: A restored 1951 Vincent Rapide

Ten Years After: A restored 1951 Vincent Rapide
The latest motorcycle to be wheeled into the studio of French master photographers Guerry & Prat is this 1951 Vincent Rapide. And it suits their signature monochromatic style perfectly. When it appeared in 1946, the Vincent Rapide became the fastest production motorcycle on sale, with a top speed of 110mph.

Ten Years After: A restored 1951 Vincent Rapide
The owner of the Vincent in the picture bought his bike twenty years ago when it was in a very sorry state, and spent ten years restoring it. According to Vincent Prat, “The only major tools of its owner are a drill and a vise, but patience and perfectionism have allowed him to achieve a high degree of excellence.”

The 998cc V-Twin is original apart from a few details, such as an Alton generator and improvements to oil filtration, and the bike is ridden regularly.

Ten Years After: A restored 1951 Vincent Rapide
The story of the Vincent Rapide is well documented, so I’ll just leave you with these lovely images, taken with a 22-megapixel Phase One camera. If only more classic motorcycles were captured so well.

For more examples of Guerry & Prat photographic brilliance, check out this Honda CB450 and of course the CP Project #1 Triton.

Ten Years After: A restored 1951 Vincent Rapide
Ten Years After: A restored 1951 Vincent Rapide

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